


Managing Directors

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Ille, 01561 Ebersbach

Dipl.-Informatiker Michael Stiller, 01640 Coswig

Registered Office

Tannenstraße 2 / House A
01099 Dresden

Phone: + 49 351 82 665 0
Fax: + 49 351 82 665 55 Mail: info@dresden-informatik.de

Commercial Register

Registrar of Companies: Dresden County Court
Register Number: HRB 377

Sales Tax Identification

Sales Tax Identification Number in accordance with §27a Sales Tax Law: DE 140205137


1. Online-contents
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3. Copyright
The Dresden Informatik GmbH intended not to use any copyrighted material for the publication or, if not possible, to indicate the copyright of the respective object. The copyright for any material created by the Dresden Informatik GmbH is reserved. Any duplication or use of objects such as images, diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the Dresden Informatik GmbH's agreement.
R/3 and SAP are registered trademarks of SAP AG, Walldorf. Klumpp Informatik, RFLOG and LOGINT are registered trademarks of Klumpp Informatik, Stuttgart - regardless if they are branded as trademark or not.
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